Table of contents¶
If necessary, please use the search box in the top right.
- What is TSUBAME4.0?
- For what purpose can TSUBAME be used?
- Conditions for using TSUBAME4.0
- How to get started with TSUBAME4.0
- How to write acknowledgments in a paper using TSUBAME?
- Differences between login node and compute node
- How many the number of files is acceptable per one directory?
- I'm a beginner, I don't know what to do.
- About file transfer
- I want to copy a large amount of data from/to TSUBAME
- How to synchronize data between TSUBAME and PC
- How to terminate the programs executed accidentally
- To allow other members to read and write on a group disk
- The basic configuration of Module file
- CPU / GPU allocation at resource designation in Altair Grid Engine(AGE)
- How to create an SSH key pair in Linux/Mac/Windows(Cygwin/OpenSSH)
- How to create an SSH key pair using PuTTY or MobaXterm
- I want to know how to login to TSUBAME4.0 using PuTTY
- About common errors in Linux
- How to solve "Disk quota exceeded" error
- Session suddenly disconnected while working on TSUBAME4.0
- Available SSH client on Windows
- The combination of compiler and mpi module
- When trying to save a file with Emacs during an interactive job, the screen froze
- Cannot login to TSUBAME4.0 (ssh, Permission denied (publickey,hostbased) etc.)
- Can not establish CIFS connection to the group disk, Unable to open TSUBAME group disk on Windows
- FAQ about group disk
- About the IP address of the gateway server for compute nodes(connection to license servers outside TSUBAME, etc.)
- An error such as "fork: Resource temporarily unavailable" is displayed on the login node.
- Can Docker be used with TSUBAME4.0?
- Can Singularity be used with TSUBAME4.0?
- Can container be used with TSUBAME4.0?
- Can I use Jupyter Lab with Tsubame 4.0?
- The group disk suddenly became unusable.
- I would like to know how to utilize the GPU in TSUBAME4.0.
- I want to use a debugger/profiler that supports multi-threading/multi-processing
- OpenOnDemand or Jupyter fails to start
- GLIBC not found error when using Apptainer
- I want to use VS Code.
- Notes on using MPS (Multi-Process Service) function in TSUBAME4.0
- I want to change the directory where cache files, user files, etc. used by the application are stored
- I want to use an external storage or cloud storage service
- Can not find user even though searched when adding a user to a group
- Account Procedures for Re-Issuance of Science Tokyo Science & Engineering Field IC Card after Expiration Date
TSUBAME point and TSUBAME portal¶
- TSUBAME portal is not displayed, or does not work properly
- The screen does not display properly in the process of joining the group
- Time lag between synchronizing with the login node of the information updated by the portal system
- Supplement for TSUBAME point
- The status of "Payment code status" on TSUBAME portal remains "予算責任者の追認待ち利用停止"
- How to check TSUBAME points, group disk usage, home directory usage
- When are TSUBAME points consumed and returned?(liquidation of temporary points).
- The link to TSUBAME Portal in the auto-mail does not work properly.
- My application for a payment code was rejected, but why?
- Approved payment code cannot be added to group
Job Execution (Scheduler)¶
- I get an error when submitting a job, but I do not know which option is bad
- The job status is "Eqw" and it is not executed.
- How to terminate the job submitted to batch job scheduler
- I'd like to check the congestion status of compute node
- How to use scrath area
- SSH login to compute nodes
- Submission of dependent job
- Want to execute multiple calculations at once in a batch job
- Calculation starts on the login node before executing the qsub command
- The error when executing the qrsh command
- Check the detail of an error message printed the log file
- How to transfer X with qrsh
- "Warning: Permanently added ECDSA host key for IP address 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' to the list of known hosts." in the error log
- Errors and remedies of qsub command execution
- About specification of batch job scheduler
- About troubleshooting at reservation execution
- About the difference between h_rt and actual execution time
- A "command not found" error occured in qrsh/job script
- run some programs on different CPUs/GPUs in a job script
- Submitted job takes a long time to execute
- Commercial applications (Mathematica, Gaussian, etc.) do not work. Command not found.
- I purchased a commercial application, but it is not available.
- A commercial application I purchased suddenly becomes unusable.
- How to use Python packages on PyPI (e.g. Theano)
- X application (GUI) doesn't work
- I would like to use an application not provided by TSUBAME 4.0
- Installing applications not provided by TSUBAME 4.0
- There is a problem with the operation of the distribution application
- Pre/post processing of commercial applications
- The range of support by T4 Helpdesk about the program error such as segmentation fault
- Error handling for each commercial application
- How to install numpy, mpi4py, chainer, tensorflow, cupy etc. using python/3.9.18
- License restriction on commercial application usage
- I want to install and use my library in R
- An error occurs when mpi4py.futures.MPIPoolExecutor with openmpi is called
- Port forward configuration for each terminal software
- file output stops by doing mpirun ... >& log.txt & with intel MPI
- I want to link Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library, what are the link options?
- How to use VNC from MobaXterm
- An error such that "X fatal error. ***ABAQUS/ABQcaeG rank 0 terminated by signal 6 " occurs at modeling
- icc, icpc commands cannot be used with Intel OneAPI
- C++17 related errors occur when using Intel oneAPI.
- I'm having trouble building and running VASP.
- I would like to know the procedure to build a VASP with TSUBAME4.0.
- "UCX ERROR failed to insert region" error occurs when running VASP
- Unable to module load python
- When running OpenMPI/Intel MPI, an hcoll-related error or segmentation fault occurs.
- Binaries compiled with the -lblas option in Intel Compiler terminate abnormally at runtime
- GPU not used when running TensorFlow
- How to specify CPU number (%cpu) when using Gaussian?
- "No space left on device" error when running Gaussian
- I want to use Alphafold related databases