TSUBAME point and TSUBAME portal¶
The command line examples on this page use the following notation
[login]$ : login node
[rNnN]$ : compute node
[login/rNnN]$ : login node or compute node
[yourPC]$ : environment from which the login node is connected
TSUBAME portal is not displayed, or does not work properly¶
- If JavaScript is disabled, please enable it and try again.
- If it does not work with your browser, please use another browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
The screen does not display properly in the process of joining the group¶
If you can not join the group just by displaying the login screen, when clicking on the URL on the mail titled "TSUBAME 4.0 TSBAME group user invitation", please check below.
- Login and keeping the logged-in browser open, click the mail link again.
- Depending on the mailer, the end character "=" may not be included in the link. In that case, copy paste it to the browser including "=".
- The deadline of the invitation URL is one week. If it expires, try to join the group again.
Time lag between synchronizing with the login node of the information updated by the portal system¶
It may take up to 5 minutes for the information to be reflected on the login node after adding users, groups from the portal system. If information is not updated from the login node, please wait for about 5 minutes before operation.
Supplement for TSUBAME point¶
TSUBAME point is consumed when you submit a job or purchase a group disc.
1. How to confirm points
You can check the following information at TSUBAME4.0 Portal and command line. In the case of the portal, you can check it below.
- Number of points consumed for each job submitted to the batch job scheduler
- Points consumed in purchasing group disc
For the command line please check the following
FAQ "How to check TSUBAME points, group disk usage, home directory usage"
2. Consumption of points
Points will be consumed based on Detailed terms of use of computer systems, Institute of Science Tokyo.
The points consumed depend on the user and usage.
Please confirm Charging rules of TSUBAME4.0 supercomputer, Institute of Science Tokyo for details.
3. Purchase points
Points can be purchased at the TSUBAME 4.0 portal.
For details, please check TSUBAME Portal User's Guide.
4. Point expiration date
Points purchased within the fiscal year will expire at the end of that fiscal year. For details, please refer to the following (in Japanese).
- Points available for purchase and validity period
- Charging rules of TSUBAME4.0 supercomputer, Institute of Science Tokyo
The status of "Payment code status" on TSUBAME portal remains "予算責任者の追認待ち利用停止"¶
"予算責任者の追認待ち" is a state waiting for approval from the budget manager of applied payment code.
Please ask the budget manager to approve in TSUBAME portal.
How to check TSUBAME points, group disk usage, home directory usage¶
TSUBAME points, group disk usage status, home directory usage status can now be checked with commands. The command "t4-user-info" can be used only with the login node(login1,login2) . It can not be executed on compute nodes.
Each command option is required for confirmation.
[login]$ t4-user-info
usage: t3-user-info [command] [sub command] [option]
[command] [sub_command] [option]
group point : Output the points of the Tsubame Group.
: Without option : show all belonging groups.
[-g] <group name> : extract the specified group.
disk group : Output the purchase amount and use amount of Tsubame Group disk.
: Without option : show all belonging groups.
[-g] <group name> : extract the specified group.
home : Output the use limit and used of the home disk.
Command examples for checking group points.¶
In the following example, it is assumed that "GSICUSER" user participating in the group "GSIC_GROUP", "GSIC" executes the command.
Please use "your user name" and "participating group name" when actually executing the command.
1. When checking the situation of all participating groups
You can check the situation where TSUBAME points of "TSUBAME_GROUP" and "GSIC" of participating group are 17218631 and 95680000 , and deposit is 0, 124000 spectively.
[login]$ t4-user-info group point
gid group_name deposit balance
0007 TSUBAME_GROUP 0 17218631
0451 TSUBAME 124000 995680000
2. When checking the status of the designated group
You can check the situation where the TSUBAME point of the specified GSIC_GROUP group is 17218631 and deposit is 124000.
[login]$ t4-user-info group point -g TSUBAME_GROUP
gid group_name deposit balance
2007 TSUBAME_GROUP 124000 17218631
To check the usage status of the group disk¶
In the specified GSIC_GROUP group, only /gs/bs is purchased, about 60 TB of the 100 TB quota limit is used,
Regarding the inode limit, we can check the situation of using 7.5 million out of the 200 million quota limit.
[login]$ t4-user-info disk group -g TSUBAME_GROUP
/gs/fs /gs/bs
gid group_name size(TB) quota(TB) file(M) quota(M) size(TB) quota(TB) file(M) quota(M)
0007 TSUBAME_GROUP 0.00 0 0.00 0 59.78 100 7.50 200
When checking the use status of the home directory¶
Of the 25 GB quota limit, 7 GB is used,
Regarding the inode limit, we can check the situation that we are using approximately 100,000 out of the 2 million quota limit.
[login]$ t4-user-info disk home
uid name b_size(GB) b_quota(GB) i_files i_quota
0177 TSUBAMEUSER 7 25 101446 2000000
When are TSUBAME points consumed and returned?(liquidation of temporary points).¶
TSUBAME4.0 collects TSUBAME points as "temporary points" that are expected to be needed when submitting a job, and settles the actual consumption points after the job is finished.
The timing of TSUBAME point consumption and return is as follows.
However, delays may occur under certain load conditions, such as when a large number of jobs are deleted at once or when a failure occurs.
The timing of TSUBAME point consumption and return is as follows.
1. When a job is submitted or qrsh command is executed
The maximum TSUBAME points that a job can consume are collected as temporary points.
2. When a job is terminated
The timing of settling provisional points is different in the following three ways
a. When a job finishes as usual, or when a job is canceled by the qdel command after it has started running
Recalculate the consumption points based on the time actually used by the job, and return the difference immediately.
b. When a job is canceled by the qdel command before execution starts, or when the qrsh command fails to start
The temporary points will be automatically returned.
c. When a job is deleted by the scheduler or the system administrator due to a system error
When a job is deleted by the scheduler or the system administrator due to a system error, it is basically settled based on the time when the job was deleted as in a. If the cancellation is clearly due to system reasons, we will compensate you for the wasted TSUBAME points if you contact us.
If you have any questions about TSUBAME points, please contact us using the inquiry form with the following information.
- The TSUBAME4.0 group that submitted the job
- User who submitted the job
- Job ID
Reference : The error when executing the qrsh command
The link to TSUBAME Portal in the auto-mail does not work properly.¶
Some links automatically generated by the TSUBAME Portal, such as links to approval pages of TSUBAME group invitations, may not function properly depending on your browser or mailer environment. Specifically,
- The login page of the TSUBAME Portal is displayed instead of being redirected to the correct page.
- The message like "The referenced URL has expired" is displayed.
If you see this kind of symptom, try copying and pasting the address sent by e-mail to the address bar of the window in which you are logged in from the Portal for Science & Engineering Field to TSUBAME Portal, and then press the Enter key.
If you still think the system is not working properly, please contact us using the contact form with the following information.
- Your TSUBAME account login name
- The date and time of the email sent to you
- The approximate date and time of the first click on the link
- Other related TSUBAME Group information, etc.
My application for a payment code was rejected, but why?¶
When you apply for a payment code on TSUBAME Portal, you will receive a notice of rejection from the TSUBAME Portal if your application is incomplete.
If your application is incomplete, you will receive a rejection notice from TSUBAME Portal. Please check the reason for the rejection in the "Comments from the system administrator" section of the notice, and make corrections if necessary.
The following is a list of typical reasons for rejection and what you need to check when you resubmit.
1. The existence of the corresponding budget could not be confirmed (該当する予算の存在を確認できませんでした)
The above message is sent when the person in charge has checked the existence of the budget code and budget name pair entered in the payment code application on the financial accounting system, but could not find the corresponding budget, including the possibility of a typo.
If the budget is for external funds or Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, please make sure that the budget code for the current fiscal year has already been created in the Request for Supplies system.
Also, please make sure that the budget code, budget name, budget department, budget category, and person in charge of the budget are entered correctly, because if they are not, we will not be able to search them.
In particular, the budget code (32 digits) and budget name have a large number of digits in the financial accounting system from FY2020, and some applications may be missing some of them when transcribing, so we strongly recommend that you follow the procedure below to obtain them.
- Log in to the New Goods Request System
- Select Budget Management
- Select Check Budget Execution Status
- Select Create CSV
- Post the "Budget Code" (32 digits) and "Budget Name" in the output CSV file.
2. I was able to confirm that I had the budget code, but XXX was different. (予算コードがあることまでは確認できましたが、XXXが異なっていました)
The above message is sent when a budget that seems to be applicable is found based on the information entered in the payment code application, but some items do not match the registered contents on the financial accounting system and are incorrect beyond the scope that can be corrected at the discretion of the person in charge as a typo.
Please refer to the previous section, check the registration details displayed in the goods billing system, and then reapply with the correct details.
Please refer to the previous section to check the registration details displayed in the requisition system, and reapply with the correct details. Please note that if the XXX part is the name of the person responsible for the budget, please refer to the next section.
3. I was able to confirm that there was a budget code, but the name of the person responsible for the budget was different. (予算コードがあることまでは確認できましたが、予算執行管理者氏名が異なっていました)
The above message will be sent when the budget manager's account information on the payment code application does not match the budget manager's information on the financial accounting system.
TSUBAME requires budget managers, including those who do not directly use TSUBAME's computing resources, to obtain a TSUBAME account, agree to the Terms of Service, and fill out their account information in order to ensure that we can communicate with them about their billing needs.
In addition, if the user of the payment code (the main administrator of the TSUBAME group) is different from the budget manager, the budget manager is required to approve the application for the payment code on the TSUBAME portal in order to confirm that the use of the budget is allowed in advance.
4. Rejected because the expense category is not "Other" (費目がその他ではないため、却下します) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
You will receive the above message when you specify a budget code for an expense category other than "Other" of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (goods, travel, and personnel expenses) in the payment code application.
There are four types of budget codes for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, and TSUBAME's computer usage fees are classified as "Other" expenses. (This corresponds to "Facility and equipment usage fees within the research institution" in the table of expense categories common to all government ministries and agencies.)
For this reason, applications for payment codes for expenses other than "Other" will be rejected as an incorrect expense category.
5. If you are not a faculty or staff member, you must be responsible for your own budget. (教職員以外の方は、自身が予算執行管理者となっている申請に限らせていただいております)
The above message is sent to non-faculty members when they apply for a payment code for a budget for which they are not the budget manager.
Non-faculty members are not allowed to be the payer of TSUBAME for budgets other than those for which they are the budget manager (e.g., Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows).
If you need to use such a budget, please ask an appropriate faculty or staff member to be the payer and reapply for the payment code.
6. The period in which new claims can be generated has already passed. (既に新規請求事項発生可能期間を過ぎています)
The above message will be sent when you cannot purchase new TSUBAME points for your requested budget.
In TSUBAME, purchase operations on the TSUBAME portal are grouped together on a monthly basis, and the budget is transferred to the next month or later.
We have established a period of availability for payment codes so that this transfer process can be done within the budget's available period (within the fiscal year and research period), but we will not accept applications for budgets that have already passed this period and cannot be used to purchase points.
Please note that during the period from January to March, only corporate operating expenses and scholarship donations can be registered and used for payment codes, but the amount used from January to March will be charged to the same budget for the following year.
7. The system administrator has already approved the application for the same fiscal year and the same budget code. (既に同じ利用年度かつ同じ予算コードの申請をシステム管理者が承認済みです)
You will receive the above message when a payment code has already been approved for the same budget.
Please use the approved payment code.
Approved payment code cannot be added to group¶
The only payment codes that can be set for a group are those applied for by the group manager.
Payment codes applied by anyone other than the Group manager cannot be used.
For detail, see Management of payment codes and Set payment code to group.